Are you up to the (Socratic) Challenge?

As I read through my Facebook feed (something I do far less often than I once did), I find that political discourse these days has degenerated into a disgusting morass. Perhaps you’ve noticed, too?

I see lots of memes and rhetoric bandied about in support of a political issue or against it, venerating public figures or vilifying them. Some are witty. Many are mean. And nearly all of them seem to be more interested in “winning” the argument for their chosen team than they are about getting to the truth of the issue. The “facts” presented are frequently poorly sourced, often are not a fair representation of the broader story, and plausible counterexamples, when presented, are merely brushed off and ignored rather than dealt with on their merits (or lack thereof). Indeed, I sincerely question if anybody even cares about the truth anymore!

Yet in the end, isn’t that what we should care about the most? Shouldn’t we try hardest to ensure that our beliefs are actually true, rather than try to be effective at convincing others that our beliefs—which could be false—are true? I mean, even though you might think that it’s safe to cross the street, wouldn’t it be important to you to know if it actually is safe? Perhaps you didn’t see an oncoming car because it was in a blind spot, or it came roaring around the corner while you were checking for traffic in the other direction. But one thing’s for certain: it doesn’t matter how convinced you were that it was safe, what matters most as you step out into the street is whether or not it was actually safe!

In this admittedly extreme example, ignorance of the truth can have dire consequences. But ignorance of the truth can have serious consequences even if it’s not a matter of life and death. For instance, if you’ve placed your trust in an employee that you were unaware has been embezzling from you for years…it won’t end well. If you think your relationship with your significant other is going great, but your other half disagrees, you’re going to be in for quite a shock someday.

It can be disappointing sometimes to learn the truth, even painful. But knowing the truth always puts us in a position where we can make better decisions. Knowing the truth is always a win, even when it feels in the moment like a loss.

I believe it’s time to rekindle a sincere respect for Truth. In fact, I think it’s time for us to revere it!

To that end, I’ve crafted something I am calling The Socratic Challenge. Think of it as a sort of Hippocratic Oath, but instead of doctors, it is for all people with the courage to commit to a lifelong dedication to the Truth.

So here it is, The Socratic Challenge:

I swear, by my desire to lead a life of virtue and honor, that I do hereby and forevermore commit myself to the pursuit of Truth. I will let Truth be, in all things, the compass that directs my beliefs and the balance upon which I weigh my actions. I shall continuously expose my own beliefs to its light, and muster the courage to change them when they are found wanting. I will not abide falsehood, and I will relentlessly expose it wherever it is found, that Truth may prosper. May this oath ever find its Truth in me!

So, do you have what it takes? Are you up to the Challenge? I dare you to take the oath.

I double-dare you to live by it!