I’m Learning To Be The Best Possible Version Of Me
I’ll just come right out and say it: I am the personal-development edition of a “foodie.” I’m constantly trying new to-do-list apps, or the latest and greatest productivity technique (GTD, Autofocus, Pomodoro, Don’t Do Lists, etc.). I love the stuff!
But as I approached my 40th birthday, I found that my own results were…uninspiring. Don’t get me wrong, all of these productivity tools have definitely helped me do some exciting things, like writing a novel and being debt-free, including my mortgage. But when I look at the big picture, my life has been a long stretch of insignificance punctuated by moments of excellence. If it were a graph, it would look like an ECG readout rather than a steadily rising slope toward awesomeness.
I began to suspect that there’s more to life than setting goals. Something needs to be done to make the time in between those spikes meaningful, too. So I set out to develop my own personal-development method that would focus on daily, incremental improvement toward a single, life-encompassing goal, and also be extremely easy to implement.
And that’s how I came up with The Calibration Method, which is built on a single goal: to become “the best possible version of me.” This approach has revolutionized the way I view my daily actions, and helps me to savor the little victories, every single day.
I’m now using The Calibration Method to get a little bit better every day, shifting the graph of my life toward the version that steadily rises to awesomeness. This blog is my way to share with you what I learn along the way, to help you become the best possible version of you, too!
About Aaron C Simmons
I am a fixture of the American Midwest, having lived in Iowa, Minnesota, and North and South Dakota my entire life. I have a wife, four daughters, and two dogs.
Since grade school, I’ve always toyed with the idea of being a novelist. In 2005, I finally wrote my first novel through the NaNoWriMo challenge. After a long period of procrastination, I published The Dream Weaver to Amazon’s Kindle store in Dec 2013.
Writing my novel was the fulfillment of a life-long dream, but wasn’t as satisfying as I thought it would be. This led me to explore accomplishment, motivation, meaning, and happiness much more intently, and eventually led to the development of The Calibration Method.
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