Story Time: The Old man and The Bengal Tiger

Once upon a time, not terribly long ago, there lived a kindly old man with an adoring family. His wife had passed some time ago, but his daughter lived in town with her husband and son.

The old man cherished his grandson, and they spent time together as much as was possible. And so the old man was especially happy one morning to prepare to celebrate his grandson’s 5th birthday party with his daughter’s family.

It was beautiful outside, perfect weather for the picnic they had planned in the park. He thought of what fun it would be to watch the wide grin spread across his grandson’s face when he opened his present to see the very thing he had been begging for for months. He thought of what fun it would be to listen to his grandson’s rambling and enthusiastic stories of what he had been doing since they last saw each other.

But mostly, he thought of how nice it would be to spend time with all the people that meant the most to him. When it came down to it, he knew that all the happiest times of his life were spent in the company of the ones he loved.

However, as the old man cinched up his tie and began to put on his worn and faded leather shoes, an announcement was broadcast on the radio:

“This is an emergency notice,” the reporter spoke with great urgency. “There has been a report of a Bengal tiger loose in the city! No other information is available at this time, but residents are advised to stay indoors for their safety until we know more.”

Oh, dear, the old man groaned as he dropped his shoe to the floor in disappointment. The party would have to wait, it just wouldn’t be prudent to have a picnic in the park with a tiger on the loose!

The old man phoned his daughter with the news, and they agreed that it might be best to postpone the picnic, given the circumstances. The old man asked to speak to his grandson to break the news to him. The boy was disappointed, but the old man had the impression that his grandson understood the danger and why they had to cancel.

The old man hung up the phone and fought back a regretful tear. And as he sat in his empty home, alone with his thoughts, he began to worry about the tiger.

It was so frightening to think that a tiger could be right outside his door, lying in the bushes in cat-like silence, ready to pounce at a moment’s notice! Why, he could merely step out his door to get the daily paper and, BAM! The tiger would shred him with its horrible claws and savage teeth. A mere second of carelessness, with such terrible consequences! As the hours wore on, the old man’s imagination dreamed up countless other terrifying scenarios, each ending the same horrible way.

It soon became apparent that there was some kind of miscommunication: the reports were not of a Bengal tiger, but rather of a Bengal cat, a simple house pet that had gone missing. But the news stations didn’t announce the correction with anywhere near the enthusiasm or frequency as they did the initial report, for it was not nearly as exciting a thing to report.

And so it happened that the old man missed the announcement altogether. When his daughter called to invite him to celebrate his grandson’s birthday indoors at their home instead, he dared not go! He thanked her for the invite, but declined. He told her simply that he wasn’t feeling well, for he was embarrassed to admit the real reason–he was terrified of the Bengal tiger! The old man asked to speak to his grandson to break the news to him. The boy was disappointed, but the old man had the impression that his grandson understood why he could not visit.

That evening, the old man went to bed frightened and alone, terrified of the Bengal tiger prowling the city.

Then, sometime during the evening, the old man passed away in his sleep. Never again would he attend his grandson’s birthday parties. And he would never again spend the happiest times of his life in the company of the ones he loved.

And that is the story of how a kindly old man with an adoring family died frightened and alone…terrified of a Bengal cat.

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