Category Archives: wordplay

Impossibility Is An Impossibility

If somebody were to claim that he could turn lead into gold through the power of concentrated thought, what would you think about that claim? You’d think it was impossible, right?

Then you would be wrong!

A Matter Of Semantics

Lest you should think that this article is about startling advances in the field of alchemy, allow me to explain: it’s a matter of semantics.

It is certainly improbable that lead can be turned to gold at all, much less with only the power of thought. It could also accurately be called unlikely, impractical or unrealistic.

Impossibility, however, is difficult to make a case for. For a thing to be impossible, it must not be able to happen, by anyone or anything, at any time, under any circumstances. To confidently declare a thing to be impossible is to assume way too much about the quantity and quality of what we know.

Standards of Knowledge

Claims regarding possibility and impossibility carry with them implicit demands for knowledge. To say a thing is possible, for instance, asks for a very broad range of knowledge. The standard is only can such a thing happen, ever? If it has happened even once, it is then known to be possible. The circumstances that made it possible may not be fully understood, but it happened. It may not even be known if it will ever happen again, or when. All that is known about a thing that is possible is that it could happen again. The degree of understanding required to define possibility is very small indeed.

Compare that to a thing that is imminent. To correctly declare an event to be imminent requires a wealth of knowledge about the factors and circumstances that typically lead to such an occurrence. You have to know so much about an event that you can readily understand the patterns that lead to it — indeed, to understand it well enough to know that there are patterns involved.

To say that a thing is uncommon also implies some degree of knowledge about the event. To say it is uncommon implies that it does in fact happen, and that you’ve seen it happen often enough to understand its frequency of occurrence. Implicitly, it means that such a thing actually happens quite often — just not as often as other more likely outcomes under similar circumstances.

But impossibility is a breed unto itself. Impossibility demands that a thing will not occur under any circumstances and at any time. Therefore, to accurately claim that a thing is impossible implicitly demands total knowledge — certainty of impossibility demands omniscience!

In essence, impossibility is an impossibility. If we are intellectually honest with ourselves, we’re forced to admit that we don’t know enough about what we know to know what we don’t know enough about.

Mistaken Impossibility

Often, when we say that a thing is impossible, what we actually mean is that it is difficult to achieve or that it has not been achieved in the past.

But take note! A thing that has never happened, even after a large number of attempts, does not qualify as a thing that is impossible. All that we can be certain of is that we have not yet discovered the conditions that would make such a thing possible.

If we were to mistake what seems to be impossible for what truly is impossible, we would put a permanent end to innovation and advancements in all fields of thought and scientific advancement. If people allowed themselves to stop at what seemed impossible, we would not have airplanes, wireless handheld computers or genetically engineered wheat, to name only a few examples.

Impossibility and Sensibility

But even in a world where impossibility is uncertain, there must also be sensibility. For instance, it wouldn’t be sensible to doggedly continue to attempt something, taking your encouragement solely from the prospect that nothing is impossible. Although things may not technically be impossible, they can still be practically impossible.

Consider the case of alchemy. Many people in history have wasted many efforts attempting to turn lead (or other elements) into gold. The track record shows that such a thing is extraordinarily difficult to accomplish. We could continue to fight that fight, armed with the comfortable fact that we do not fully understand quantum mechanics. Indeed, as we continue to learn more about what makes atoms what they are, we may well discover some day that alchemy is ridiculously easy!

But making it happen requires a LOT more knowledge than we currently have. And therefore, it would not be practical to pursue.

An Intelligent Approach to Impossibility

If you want to make the impossible happen, here is a rule of thumb: take it a step at a time.

For instance, if you wish to build a teleportation device, you wouldn’t just go to the local surplus store and start putting something together with the expectation that you will get there by trial and error. You need to take it a step at a time!

The first step is to determine not whether a teleporter is possible, but to determine under what conditions a teleporter could be possible. Then, determine what events might create such conditions. Are there things that could be done (by a teleporter, for instance) that could manipulate those factors? Continue working along those lines by nailing down how it could be possible instead of whether or not it is. As the idea becomes more concrete and better understood, then you are ready to approach its particulars.

As you can see, much of the initial investment in such an endeavor is only time and thought. If you put considerable thought into the matter, and you feel that you are no closer to a solution, then you have discovered only that it is beyond your understanding at the time (and not that it is impossible).

Impossibility is Liberating

There’s something particularly liberating about the malleable nature of impossibility. Too often, we limit ourselves by claiming that things are “impossible” for us — even if they are quite simple things! We can feel trapped in a dead-end job and despair that it is “impossible” to get a better job. We can become disheartened after several lousy dates and begin to believe that it is “impossible” to find a person that we belong with. We can look at an overwhelming amount of debt and worry that it would be “impossible” to ever catch up.

But take heart. A sense of impossibility is only an indication that you’ve given up too soon. It says that you haven’t explored all of the avenues yet. Impossibility is a call for greater creativity and for new ways to approach a problem. Remember, impossibility is best tackled when you start with the assumption that it IS possible, and then determine what conditions would make it possible.

It becomes possible to pay off a sizable debt, for instance, when you ask for a much deserved raise, sell your house and apply the proceeds to your debt, live in an apartment or with family while you get back on track, stop eating fast food for lunch, and so on.

It becomes possible to find a better job when you get clear with yourself about the things you don’t like about your current job and the things that a new job would have to do to be better. It becomes possible when you define what work you want to do, and then tell everybody you know what you are looking for.

It becomes possible to find the love of your life when you are clear about what kind of a person that would be and brainstorm the kinds of places where a person like that can be found.

Impossibility is only a problem that either hasn’t been properly defined or a search for a solution that has not been exhaustive. So, what are the areas in your life where you have allowed the “impossible” to hold you back?

This Sentence Has Over 100 Errors

One of the classic arguments against the reliability of scripture is that there are tens of thousands of errors in the texts. You see, there are many ancient copies of the books of the New Testament. However, there are several errors among them, and many copies don’t completely match any of the other copies. Some are spelling errors, others are syntax errors. Some are paraphrases rather than direct copies. And so, the argument goes, there is no way to know what the original scripture is supposed to be. Such an overwhelming number of errors, as some assert, casts suspicion over what exactly constitutes the true teaching of the religion — or indeed the very legitimacy of such a religion.

Sounds convincing, doesn’t it?

Well, don’t throw your Bible away just yet. Here we have a situation where the facts as they are presented are technically accurate — there are indeed many discrepancies among the thousands of New Testament texts that exist. However, the conclusion presented (that there is no way to reliably know what the original text says) is false!

Perhaps a little experiment will demonstrate just how important accuracy among several transcriptions matters with regard to understanding what the original source says?

I will write a single sentence incorrectly 100 times. No sentence will match any other sentence, and no sentence will completely match the correct sentence. In fact, I will not write the correct sentence even once. My challenge to you is this: read each of the sentences and see if you can honestly claim it is “impossible” to know what the correct sentence is. Hint: It won’t require 100 sentences…you will likely determine the correct sentence after only the first few lines!

  1. When looking for the truth, look carefully.
  2. Wen searching for the truth, look carefully.
  3. When searching for truth, look carefully.
  4. When searching for the truth, look closely.
  5. When searching for the the truth, look carefully.
  6. When surching for the truth, look carefully.
  7. When searching for a truth, look carefully.
  8. When searching for the facts, look carefully.
  9. When searching for the truth, watch carefully.
  10. When for searching the truth, look carefully.
  11. Look carefully when searching for the truth.
  12. When searching for teh truth, look carefully.
  13. When searching for the truth, watch carefully.
  14. When searching for the truth, investigate carefully.
  15. When seeking the truth, look carefully.
  16. When you are searching for the truth, look carefully.
  17. When searching for the trueth, look carefully.
  18. When searching for the truth, look intently.
  19. When searching for the truth, luke carefully.
  20. When searching for the truth, look carelessly.
  21. When searching out the truth, look carefully.
  22. Whoever searches for the truth looks carefully.
  23. When searching for the truth, please look carefully.
  24. When searching for the truth, look carefuly.
  25. When “searching” for the truth, look carefully.
  26. When searching for fact, look carefully.
  27. When searching for the truth, look with care.
  28. When investigating the truth, look carefully.
  29. When researching the truth, look carefully.
  30. When searching for the trooth, look carefully.
  31. When searching for the truth, investigate carefully.
  32. When searching for the truth, research carefully.
  33. Look carefully to find the truth.
  34. When searching for the reality, look carefully.
  35. When searching for the truth, look karefully.
  36. When searching for the truth, look carefully
  37. When sEarching for the truth, look carefully.
  38. Women searching for the truth, look carefully.
  39. When something for the truth, look carefully.
  40. When searching fo the truth, look carefully.
  41. When searching for truth, look carefully.
  42. When for the truth, look carefully.
  43. Searching for the truth, look carefully.
  44. When searching for the, look carefully.
  45. When searching for the truth, carefully.
  46. When searching for the truth, look.
  47. Whe searching for the truth, look carefully.
  48. When searchin for the truth, look carefully.
  49. When searching for th truth, look carefully.
  50. When searching for the trut, look carefully.
  51. When searching for the truth, loo carefully.
  52. When searching for the truth, look carefull.
  53. When searching for the truth, look diligently.
  54. When searching for the truth, look patiently.
  55. When searching for the truth, look fervently.
  56. When searching for the truth, observe carefully.
  57. When searching for the truth, scrutinize carefully.
  58. When searching for the truth, look carefully.
  59. When when searching for the truth, look carefully.
  60. When searching searching for the truth, look carefully.
  61. When searching for for the truth, look carefully.
  62. When searching for the truth truth, look carefully.
  63. When searching for the truth, look look carefully.
  64. When searching for the truth, look carefully carefully.
  65. Whon searching for the truth, look carefully.
  66. When soarching for the truth, look carefully.
  67. When searching for tho truth, look carefully.
  68. When searching for the truth, look carofully.
  69. When searching for the truth, look carefully.
  70. When searching for the truth: look carefully.
  71. When searching for the truth? look carefully.
  72. When searching for the truth (look carefully).
  73. Who’s searching for the truth, look carefully.
  74. Where searching for the truth, look carefully.
  75. This sentence is totally in left field!
  76. When searching for the fish, look carefully.
  77. When searching for the truth, look lively.
  78. When searching from the truth, look carefully.
  79. When searching for the truth, look care
  80. When searching for the honesty, look carefully.
  81. For when searching the truth, look carefully.
  82. When the searching for truth, look carefully.
  83. Are you still reading this?!
  84. When searching for the proof, look carefully.
  85. W.en searching for the truth, look carefully.
  86. When sea.ching for the truth, look carefully.
  87. When searching fo. the truth, look carefully.
  88. When searching for .he truth, look carefully.
  89. When searching for the tru.h, look carefully.
  90. When searching for the truth, lo.k carefully.
  91. When searching for the truth, look ca.efully.
  92. Wehn searching for the truth, look carefully.
  93. When snihcraeg for the truth, look carefully.
  94. When searching for the tturh, look carefully.
  95. When searching for the truth, look clluferay.
  96. When hiding the truth, look carefully.
  97. When searching for the lie, look carefully.
  98. When searching for the truth, close your eyes.
  99. When reaching for the truth, look carefully.
  100. when searching for the truth, look carefully.

Surprising, isn’t it? How many lines did you read before the correct form of the sentence became obvious? As you can see in this demonstration, it would have been almost impossible to determine with any degree of certainty what the actual sentence is meant to be if there were only two or three of these sentences. But when there are a hundred, it becomes an elementary exercise to discern the real meaning. In the case of the texts of the New Testament, there are several hundred copies of parts of the New Testament, and thousands of copies of other parts!

The conclusion, then, as you can clearly see, is this: in light of the sheer number of copies of the New Testament that are available, the errors amongst them can be seen at worst as a trivial nuisance — and utterly incapable of clouding their true message.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People…In Haiku

Haiku, as you may know, is a Japanese poetry form that traditionally is only three lines long. The first line has five syllables, the second has seven and the third line has five. This form leads to incredibly terse statements that, remarkably, still deliver the message. In a recent presentation I gave at work on Stephen Covey’s classic book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People“, I summarized each of the seven habits as a haiku. Here’s what I came up with…

1. Be Proactive
Be responsible:
Don’t blame you and don’t blame “them”.
Action is the key.

2. Begin With The End In Mind
Select your goal first,
Then your path is determined.
Now, take your first step!

3. Put First Things First
Prioritize it:
Do first what is important,
Then do all the rest.

4. Think Win/Win
This is what I want:
We both get what we both want.
(That is the best way.)

5. Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood
Listen intently,
Never, never, ever speak.
Then, speak a little.

6. Synergize
I am only one.
One is also all you are.
But combined, we’re three!

7. Sharpen The Saw
Busy, busy, oh!
Stop, relax and be refreshed.
That’s how you’ll improve.

I hope you enjoyed those, they were fun to write! I also learned more about each of these concepts in the process of trying to find 17 syllables that would best explain them. And so, the moral of the story is this: to understand a thing better, put it under a different light.

Fun With Truisms

Use Contrasts To Discover Wisdom

This world is woven together by surprising contrasts and parallells. One interesting side effect is that it becomes very easy to create remarkably deep insights simply by twisting phrases around contrasting or parallell themes. For example: To be a friend to all…you must be all to a friend.

Simple. Rearranging the first clause creates a truism — a sentiment that is easily dismissed because it is so pithy. But when you peer into it more deeply, profound truth bursts forth. This simple statement addresses many searching questions: How do you make friends? How do you keep friends? What is a good friend? The answer is simple, but its meaning is great.

Use Wordplay To Discover The Secrets Of The Universe

If you enjoy wordplay, consider creating trusisms. You might even discover the soul of the universe along the way! Here are some more…

  1. To be “successful”, you must “be” successful.
  2. When you are talking, you aren’t listening.
  3. To understand your neighbor, seek to understand yourself.
  4. To get what you want, give what others need.
  5. Kindness is a selfless act. Cruelty is a selfish act.
  6. To discover wisdom, uncover your folly.
  7. To spend more tomorrow, spend less today.
  8. If you dream of success, succeed at your dreams.
  9. Thought creates nothing. Action creates everything.
  10. Giving hearts give more than giving hands.
  11. Evil thoughts and evil acts have the same victim.
  12. Hate begins with a thought. Love begins with an action.
  13. Light is the presence of light, but darkness is not the presence of darkness.
  14. To shower your family with presents, shower them with your presence.
  15. If you want only what you need, you need never be in want.
  16. Hate finds faults. Love accepts faults.
  17. Action builds hope. Sloth builds anguish.
  18. Busy bodies don’t have time to be busybodies.
  19. Physical limits constrain the body. The mind constrains itself.
  20. Today won’t be the same as yesterday. Tomorrow won’t be the same as today.
  21. Praising me makes me happy. Praising you makes us happy.
  22. Sometimes people that seem to have money only seem to have money.
  23. Lies require a host of proof. Truth requires none.
  24. Better questions lead to better answers.
  25. Rules lead the masses. Ideals lead the leaders.